A downloadable ShootyShooty for Windows

[IMPORTANT] Rename the folder BulletHellCore_Data to BangBangShootyShootyGalaxy_Data in order to play.

Galaxy Shooty Shooty Bang Bang is a hectic bullet hell game. 

Navigate with WASD, aim with the mouse, and shoot using the left mouse button. Hold the right mouse button for a super dash. 

Survive waves of robotic enemies, dodge fire, and score points in an intense, vibrant space arena. 

There are currently two pick ups:

  1. White Box: Adds bullet bounce.
  2. Vanguard Drop: a vanguard will drop and aid you in the fight for up to 10 seconds (or when they die).


known issues:

  • The seconds in the timer don't loop after 60s but instead just keep going up. 
  • You can walk outside the map.
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsBullet Hell, Futuristic, Sci-fi, Twin Stick Shooter


GalaxyShootyBangBang.zip 100 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file, unpack it, rename the folder BulletHellCore_Data to  BangBangShootyShootyGalaxy_Data and then run the Exe.

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